Workout Style: Zero Equipment Home Workout
Focus Areas: Abs & Cardio
Difficulty: Beginner
Total Time: 20 – 30 minutes
What Is Included In This Workout
- Relaxed workout to finish up a cardio workout session.
- No equipment required.
- Low impact; lounge friendly workout.
Workout Along With The Video
Workout Instructions
Main Set (45 seconds on / 15 seconds rest):
Side Plank (20 sec each side)
Twist Plank
Leg Lowers
Toe Touches
V Reaches
Bike Crunches
V Hold
Twisted Sit Ups
Scissor Kicks
**Repeat x 2**
**Once you’re comfortable then build up to 3**
From Our Friends At
This workout is credited to our friends at SOS Fitness. If you like what you see, then make sure you out her social pages for more: